Transition Services
Transition Services help our qualifying students to move from being a student to an adult. The student along with his/her parents, and the school begin to initiate the process of transition while the student is still enrolled in school. The primary focus of transition services are to plan for life after graduation and to address specific areas of:
Post secondary education and learning options
Independent living skills
Recreation/Leisure Activities
The partnership between the school, the student and the family are vital to successful transition and usually start with interviews, inventories, and inviting the student to attend ARDs once he/she is 14, the age where by law transition must have been addressed.
For any additional information, the Grandview-Hopkins ISD Transition Coordinator is Ky Smith. She may be reached at 806-669-4800 or through the Grandview-Hopkins ISD at 806-669-3831.
Some good transition resources are listed below:
Transition in Texas Website
Transition Employment Guide